WELCOME to my small (very small) business, Liftoff Learning. After years of urging from friends and family, I finally took the leap. Thanks to my husband and sons for their encouragement and for choosing the name, believing that it reflected so much of me: my love of learning, my desire to teach for a meaningful purpose, my nearly 2 decades of NASA experience, and my joy when sharing uplifting, exciting, and motivating information. For a good chuckle or two, I encourage you to visit the “Fun Stuff” page and have a look at some of the discarded name choices!
I LOVE LEARNING AND TEACHING. As a child, I saved my money to purchase school supplies and English & math workbooks I would complete for fun. I spent the summer months writing curricula for my stuffed animals and giving them lessons on the big green chalkboard my father had lovingly painted on the wall in the garage. Having been raised in a highly accomplished musical family, I love music and art as well, and while in high school seriously considered becoming a professional clarinetist. This all ultimately culminated in earning my bachelor’s degree from Rice University in math and applied mathematics, supplementing it with a teaching certificate in math/chemistry, taking a variety of English classes, and regularly playing in the Rice concert band.
After graduation, I began WORKING FOR NASA in the Space Station Project Control Office for several years and was fortunate to be awarded a NASA Fellowship to return to Rice University full-time to complete my master’s degree in applied mathematics. With second degree in hand, I transferred to the Mission Operations Directorate at NASA where I developed curricula and trained astronauts/flight controllers on space station avionics systems, fulfilling various space shuttle responsibilities and some community college part-time teaching in aerospace technology as well. I am grateful to have received along the way the “Legend in Your Own Time” managerial award and the NASA Exceptional Service Medal. After managing about 40 instructors for multiple years and having had my third son arrive, it was time to set aside my NASA career of nearly 20 years and focus on my family.
Our HOMESCHOOLING JOURNEY began when my 2 older sons were still in elementary school. For almost 15 years our family discussed math during my daily lectures, read aloud fascinating novels at lunch time, traveled our way through history, participated heavily in our church music and Scout programs, talked about world events, and created amazing memories. To address the STEM-related interests of my sons and their friends, I also coached robotics teams for over 10 years. The talented, hardworking teams received numerous awards, including some from incredibly competitive and exciting world tournaments. To further help my sons as well as fuel my own love of learning, I created and taught over 30 different group classes on topics including Lord of the Rings literary analysis, “cool” math, the science of explosions, python programming, catapults through history, college application essays, and art & music history/appreciation. Wow, what fun we all had!
As our KIDS' COLLEGE YEARS approached, we signed up with the company The College Money Guys and for nearly a decade benefitted from their wisdom in expertly applying to college and wisely funding it. Having coached all 3 sons to PSAT National Merit Recognition levels and top ACT/SAT scores, I began tutoring the boys’ friends on how to significantly raise their scores and improve their essays. And now I find myself with all 3 of my sons having graduated from their respective colleges: TCU, Rice University, and Cornell College. Where did the time go? Since I had no more kids at home to teach, for multiple years I joyfully taught honors high school English/history, honors geometry, and ACT/SAT classes at a local Christian private school that caters to homeschoolers.
However, in my heart has always been a desire to provide two main educational opportunities for others: 1 - online/in-person core classes that instill a joy and appreciation for learning, and 2 - “vectoring for college” classes that help students navigate through difficult topics such as career exploration, ACT/SAT, and application essays. So, my life journey has brought me to this point, where all my education and experiences have culminated in teaching the courses listed here and providing associated tutoring support. May my efforts help you and your family “LIFTOFF” as well!